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Can Dopps Chiropractic Derby Help Back Pain? 

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Here is a newer study done by the military that shows in conjunction with medical care patients respond much better when using chiropractic care.

2018 JAMA Study-
"Effect of Usual Medical Care Plus Chiropractic Care vs Usual Medical Care Alone on Pain and Disability Among US Service Members With Low Back Pain."

Results Of the 806 screened patients who were recruited through either clinician referrals or self-referrals, 750 were enrolled (250 at each site). The mean (SD) participant age was 30.9 (8.7) years, 175 participants (23.3%) were female, and 243 participants (32.4%) were nonwhite. Statistically significant site × time × group interactions were found in all models. Adjusted mean differences in scores at week 6 were statistically significant in favor of usual medical care plus chiropractic care compared with usual medical care alone overall for low back pain intensity (mean difference, −1.1; 95% CI, −1.4 to −0.7), disability (mean difference, −2.2; 95% CI, −3.1 to −1.2), and satisfaction (mean difference, 2.5; 95% CI, 2.1 to 2.8) as well as at each site. Adjusted odd ratios at week 6 were also statistically significant in favor of usual medical care plus chiropractic care overall for perceived improvement (odds ratio = 0.18; 95% CI, 0.13-0.25) and self-reported pain medication use (odds ratio = 0.73; 95% CI, 0.54-0.97). No serious related adverse events were reported.

There is a long held misnomer that there are varying degrees of "Normal Back Pain".  Throughout my time as a chiropractor, I have had dozens of people tell me they are having "Normal Back Pain". There is no such thing. This is a very dangerous myth that needs to be forgotten and dispelled from our minds.  There are a couple reasons why I say this; firstly, no matter what body part you are referring to pain is never ever "Normal".  Pain is the body's warning system. A painful sensation is the only way that our brain and nervous system have to communicate with us that a problem exists.
        Even the smallest amount of Back Pain can mean huge problems down the road.  This is fact. TIME Magazine recently featured an article that looked at the causes of disability through.(1)  Their results were astounding.  Their findings showed that Low Back Pain is the number 1 cause of disability in the entire human race!  
            The more scary result came from another study that was done that accessed how our spines break down due to stress and past traumas.  These researchers concluded after 40 years of research that the number one thing to plague our spines with arthritis and degeneration is lack of motion.  They showed that if a spine looses just 1 degree of normal motion that the spine at that level will begin to degenerate within just 1 week of that loss of motion!  What's scarier is that in almost all cases it was asymptomatic.  If you are unfamiliar with that term is means that the people were pain free while the degeneration process is underway.  In fact, most people in the study did not have pain until significant degeneration had occurred!  My point in all this is not to frighten you, but to get you to see what I see and let you understand what I understand.  Spinal issues in most cases develop pain free and we are totally unware that they exist.  Our spines are our back bones.  They are what give us the freedom to move around.  If your spine goes unchecked severe consequences could be down the road for you and you wouldn't even know it.  And if you are experiencing pain, even if you consider it "normal pain" you maybe very close to a major break down.  Please, I beg you to drop the verbiage of "normal pain" and please come in to our office and get it checked out before that issue causes permanent degenerative changes to your spine.

How can a Chiropractor help me?  Why does it take so many sessions to get better?

Enter the subluxation!  You may be thinking the sub-what-who-lation??  The term is a subluxation, it is a fancy complicated word that simply means that a bone in the spine or extremities has either slipped out of its normal position or has stopped moving normally (I.E. it's stuck and will not move properly with the rest of the other bones).  Here's where it gets really interesting it is really not the bone or bones that are your enemy or that causing issues it is the ligaments and/or tendons.  Ligaments are what actually hold your bones in alignment and allow for "normal motion" and "normal position".  Just think of it like you have a rubber band that is holding a bunch of cards together, the ligament represents the rubber band, and the cards represent the bones.  If you have a injury small or large to the ligaments surrounding any joint the joint will no longer be able to stay in 100% perfect alignment.  the reason being is when ligaments get injured they stretch longer in most cases, and in some cases they stretch some and tear some, and rare cases they tear all the way.  We call those grades, so a grade 1 ligament injury just causes it to stretch longer then normal, a grade 2 means it's stretched and torn some, and grade 3 means that it has torn all the way.  OK!  So back to the rubber band analogy.  Lets image the rubber band underwent a trauma just like a ligament, if you stretch a rubber band to far beyond what is normally capable but not to the breaking point it will lose some of its elasticity and no longer be as tight as it once was.  So if that rubber band was now no longer as tight, the cards that it holding would begin to move out of position.  This is exactly what happens in your body with a subluxation, the ligament was injured and stretched and no longer was able to hold your bones in 100% alignment, this causes them to "slip" out of place creating a subluxation.  Chiropractors are trained to treat subluxations.  A lot of people even patients of mine say doc my bones out of place we need to get it back in.  And here's where time comes into play.  Many people have been wrongly educated on what chiropractic is and they have been told that your bones can fly into place and out of place very rapidly and can be "set in place" in one treatment or fly out place just by sleeping wrong.  That is not the case and it actually takes many sessions to get better.  The real reason why it takes so long to actually get stable and for so many visits is the healing rate of ligaments.  Ligaments heal slower then bones do.  The current heal rate a a broken bone is approximately 6-8 weeks.  A ligament that has suffered just a grade 1 injury is at minimum 8-10 weeks.  So if you have been to a chiropractor that tells you you only need a handful of visits to be healed that is usually very incorrect.  It is actually dangerous as well.  The reason being is that just like if you take a cast off a broke bone to early you run the risk of damaging the bone or the bone will heal crooked.  It is the same thing with an injured ligament and the bone or bones that have slipped out of position.  If not treated properly the joint will heal crooked, this sets the stage for degenerative changes just like what I talked about above.  I believe it is this reason why lower back pain is the number one cause of disability in all humans.  Improperly treated subluxations or injured ligaments that have healed crooked and leave the bones out alignment.  This mis-alignment in turn causes stress on the surrounding tissue, and over time that stress breaks down the joint that is associated with it, leading to pain and lack of motion.  So how does a chiropractor treat subluxations and how can we help back pain, neck pain, or any joint pain for that matter.  Our job is to slowly and gradually restore the position or motion of any joint in the body.  In fact, just like if you "popped" your knuckles the bones in your fingers didn't go anywhere,  they do not go in place or out of place, this is true for an chiropractic adjustment as well.  But just like exercising a muscle, over time as you begin to work it, it begins to change and in 6-8 weeks you can see the newly grown muscle.  Your spine with chiropractic adjustments will slowly and gradually restore motion and change in alignment.  Which will help heal your back, neck, or joint aches and pains creating a stable healthy joint for the future!

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Dopps Chiropractic Derby is located in Derby, KS.  It is conveniently located close to Rose Hill, KS - Mulvane, KS - Haysville, KS - Udall, KS and Wichita, KS. 
We are directly off of K-15 just North of Madison Ave in Derby Kansas.  We are Conveniently located close to Rock Road, Meadowlark, and Woodlawn.
(K-15 is called Baltimore Avenue when looking at the map of Derby Kansas)

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Dr. Dopps is in network with:
Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna, Medicare, United Health Care, AmBetter, Sunflower Health Plan, AllWell, VA, Optum, and All Auto Insurance.
We also accept cash paying patients.

Pain Stops at DERBY DOPPS!  If you're looking for a Chiropractor near you, look no further.  Dopps Chiropractic has been serving the Derby area for over 40 years.  We deliver the highest quality Chiropractic care in Derby and the Wichita surrounding area.  Dopps Chiropractors have a combined experience of over 500 years practicing Chiropractic.  We have the top Chiropractor in Derby, KS ready to help you.

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